Gelteq is well positioned to enter this market as a major competitor of all other medicine and drug delivery systems for pharmaceutical and over-the-counter medications. Our breakthrough gelification process can turn almost any ingredient into a stable, long-lasting gel that your customers will love, making us an ideal new partner to help you launch competitive products or seize our white label opportunities.
Due to the sheer scale of the global pharmaceuticals market, and our existing partnerships with major pharma companies Phynova and Reducose, there is considerable opportunity for companies partnering with Gelteq in the sector. Our products have been meticulously researched and are backed by an increasing number of clinical trials, giving our gels a strong marketing advantage.
1: Grand View Research Market Analysis Report, Pharmaceuticals Market, accessed April 2021
Our team of experts can sit down with you and help you develop the most effective gel for your company’s needs. If you would like to learn more about how to take advantage of this revolutionary new delivery system, read our gelification page or contact us today.
Seize the opportunity of our new Gelteq delivery system without needing to develop your own individual products. We have a number of white label gels ready to be sold under your brand name, letting you hit the market running without the same R&D.