Our gelification process makes it easy to turn any macronutrients, micronutrients, pharmaceutical or medicinal ingredients into a stand alone gel product.
We invite manufacturers and those with raw material supply to consider Gelteq’s Gelification process and to make a gel today.
Through our gelification process, we can gelify a wide range of existing consumables. Whether you’re working with powders, tablets, pills, supplements, vitamins or oils, we can transform them into a new gel product offering, giving you a strong competitive advantage.
Clear market differentiator with little competition.
Create tailored gels to your specific requirements
Increased profits with higher margins.
Improve existing products without sacrificing stability or taste.
Provide new product lines for your customers.
Improve take-up rates as the gel can be easily consumed by more customers.
Ability to take any active ingredient and turn it into a stable and functional product
Extend the life of an existing patent by reinventing it with Gelteq.
Upgrade old delivery systems by creating scientifically formulated edible gels.
Ready to seize an opportunity? If you have products that you think might benefit from a gel-based delivery system, let’s work together to build you a custom product.