Gelteq has been designed as a nutrient delivery system that consumers will love - it’s easy to swallow, has low choking risk, can hold higher doses than many other delivery systems, and can be made to taste great. Combining these characteristics with the fact that we can gelify almost any ingredient, we’re an ideal partner for anyone looking to grow rapidly in the nutraceuticals space.
The COVID-19 pandemic has been difficult on the entire world, but it - alongside growing awareness of healthy choice and essential nutrients among consumers - presents Gelteq partners with an opportunity to become true market leaders.
1: Grand View Research Market Analysis Report, Nutraceuticals Market, accessed April 2021
2: ADM Emerging Consumer Behavior Shifts, accessed April 2021
Our team of experts can sit down with you and help you develop the most effective gel for your company’s needs. If you would like to learn more about how to take advantage of this revolutionary new delivery system, read our gelification page or contact us today.
Our team of experts can sit down with you and help you develop the most effective gel for your company’s needs. If you would like to learn more about how to take advantage of this revolutionary new delivery system, read our gelification page or contact us today.